Amazing Love
I can't believe GOD loves me like HE does. I can't believe HE actually let me into HIS family. I can't believe I will some day be allowed to see the glorious face of GOD.I can't believe HE would let me go to heaven after all the bad I've done. But I can believe. I can believe GOD'S love is so great HE sent HIS only SON. HE let HIS SON come down here to die on the cross for us. A perfect sacrafice. HE sacraficed HIS SON for us. HE let HIS SON die so we might have a chance. A chance at heaven. A chance at glory. GOD has an amazing love for us sinners, but we just keep sinning, like the death of JESUS means nothing. But GOD allows us to have chance after chance because HE has straight love for us. The Bible says:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
GOD loves us so much. Everything we have comes from GOD. Everything. Our clothes, our food, our shelter, all our material things, our lives, our chance, our eternity.We might have little but if we are thankful for what we have, we will be happ and GOD will add more to us. I say praise GOD. Everything is from GOD. Don't tell me we can survive without GOD! The Bible says:
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
So that's why I say praise GOD! A thankful heart is a happy heart... and be thankful to GOD'S loving heart! But we seem not to be at least the tiniest bit thankful to GOD for all our blessings, all our protection, HIS love for us, and the chance to do better. Everything comes from GOD and we are not thankful for some reason. We can't resest the fun of sinning I guess. I guess people think that as long as we get everything we need from GOD, we can just keep sinning!?! How long o you think GOD'S going to keep blessing you if you do that. GOD can ruin your life if you do that. HE will turn your blessing into a curse. Turn around and show some respect! All I want to say is GOD has amazing love for us and we are still deneying HIM, the HOLY ONE. Be thankful and paise the LORD, because all the blessings that are good are coming from above, so GOD deserves to hear us say thank you, with all are love. HE has more love for you than you can understand, so what will you do?
Afterward- If you want to receive JESUS today for the first time, I suggest you pray this prayer I got from a friend:
"Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. In JESUS name, amen."
If you have any questions, comments, typos, or anything else, please feel free to comment. Praise GOD! !Alabar DIOS!
GOD bless U all!
Hammer out.
Your servant,
RC Hammer
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
GOD loves us so much. Everything we have comes from GOD. Everything. Our clothes, our food, our shelter, all our material things, our lives, our chance, our eternity.We might have little but if we are thankful for what we have, we will be happ and GOD will add more to us. I say praise GOD. Everything is from GOD. Don't tell me we can survive without GOD! The Bible says:
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
So that's why I say praise GOD! A thankful heart is a happy heart... and be thankful to GOD'S loving heart! But we seem not to be at least the tiniest bit thankful to GOD for all our blessings, all our protection, HIS love for us, and the chance to do better. Everything comes from GOD and we are not thankful for some reason. We can't resest the fun of sinning I guess. I guess people think that as long as we get everything we need from GOD, we can just keep sinning!?! How long o you think GOD'S going to keep blessing you if you do that. GOD can ruin your life if you do that. HE will turn your blessing into a curse. Turn around and show some respect! All I want to say is GOD has amazing love for us and we are still deneying HIM, the HOLY ONE. Be thankful and paise the LORD, because all the blessings that are good are coming from above, so GOD deserves to hear us say thank you, with all are love. HE has more love for you than you can understand, so what will you do?
Afterward- If you want to receive JESUS today for the first time, I suggest you pray this prayer I got from a friend:
"Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. In JESUS name, amen."
If you have any questions, comments, typos, or anything else, please feel free to comment. Praise GOD! !Alabar DIOS!
GOD bless U all!
Hammer out.
Your servant,
RC Hammer
At Saturday, 18 November, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
hey Ryker! so how's life?
mine not so good! (well for the moment right now)
soooooooooo comment me back!!
At Saturday, 18 November, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
did you get that idea prayer from the left behind books?
At Saturday, 18 November, 2006 ,
Chinagirl411 said...
hey cool Bible search! Bella has a blog u know
At Saturday, 18 November, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
No, Bella, I didn't get the prayer from a Left Behind book. It was from another blog. Why is life bad for you now?
GOD bless U all!
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Saturday, 18 November, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
Ryker comment me on my blog and I'll tell you! O it just sounded like that prayer Judd tells all the unbelievers!! Don't you think our age is too young to start dating? Well, I do! Did you hear the news? Kaylee and Carl are going out. I think we're like too young for that because where will YOUNG love really go? read my blog, please!!!! and comment me! do you have any good quotes or advice for me?
At Saturday, 18 November, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
P.S. Ryker
God Bless You Too!
At Sunday, 19 November, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
Thank You for leaving that comment Ryker! So how was the Left Behind movie? Sounds good! Well, Ryker actually I've decided to keep my "life being bad" personal. If you know what I mean! So how's Rachel and Caleb? I don't know if that is the right spelling of their names, but you know who they are! That quote was from, can you believe it......A DOVE CHOCOLATE MESSAGE!!!!! I know it's sweet!!!!
Well God Bless You and Everyone Who Reads This!!
P.S. Ryker sorry for the long comments!
At Sunday, 19 November, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
I agree with the dating thing. It's funny you should ask if I have any advice or quotes for you because I have both. I understand you not wanting to tell me what's bad about your life, but I have advice that will tackle anyting sad or bad about someones life I think. Unfortuently, I don't have time to tell you it right now because I'm going to my grandmas in a few minutes. Sorry. I'll try to tell you as soon as I get back. Oh, Rachel and Caleb are doing fine and you spelled their names right. They beat each other up alot though.
GOD bless U.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Sunday, 19 November, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
hey Ryker I have to tell you something!! you spelled a lot wrong! YAY!!! I spelled their names right! Finally someone agrees with me about the dating thing!! I can't wait to hear your advice and quote(s)! I'm sure they're sweet! People always say that short and sweet letters are always better, but I find that that is not always true because you may be able to express how you really feel to someone in three words for example, "I am happy!" So the person you may have wrote that to may be like for example, "what could they possibly be so happy about? and why?" So I think long letters are better like the one I am giving you right now!! I hope you're having fun at your grandma's house!
At Sunday, 19 November, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
I didn't spell anything wrong in my post did I?
Oh, for someone whos life is going bad, you sure sound happy. The advice is on getting joy when your life is bad at the time... let me get my research together really quick.
GOD bless.
Hammer out.'
RC Hammer
At Sunday, 19 November, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
This is the best advice I can give if your life isn't going well at the time. I will post it on your blog too. OK. First, in the Bible, James says this:
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
James 1:2-4
What he is saying is, when something bad happens and things aren't going your way, you should be thankful to the LORD and give HIM thanks for what is going good and what you have. Doing this will give GOD great joy and in return, you will receive great joy and things could get better. Even if things are going wrong, you should always follow GOD. HE will bless you and deliver you from the bad times.
This next part is a little hard for me to put in and make it sound totally perfect, so stay with me here. Like I said before, you have to stay with GOD in times of trouble. You can't give up. You have to keep on pressing. The Bible says:
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14
Now this verse could help you in two ways. Way number 1. You press on and follow GOD to receive the prize. If you keep following through and staying with GOD and not stop pressing for the goal, GOD will give you a prize, which will be great joy. Even in times of trouble, GOD will give you joy. You will be very happy even if bad things are aboout to happen. Do you understand what I'm getting at? These scriptures kind of match up: Follow, trust,never give up, and be thankful to GOD and HE gives you great joy. You can work that together so it's understandable to you exactly. I have one more thing to cover.
This is already a huge comment and this part doesn't exactly go with the problem exactly, but I thought I would tell you the other prize you get in the verse above if you press on toward the goal. The other prize is that GOD assures you that you are going to heaven. Jesus says in the Bible:
"I go to prepare a place for you."
(Sorry, I don't have the exact verse, I will get it later.)
Even if times are bad, you can have joy, because you know that someday, you will be in heaven with GOD forever.
That raps up what I have to say. I will give you some quotes tommorow or some other day. Sorry this is so large.I hope you understood what I said.
GOD bless U.
Peace be with you.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Monday, 20 November, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
awesome VERSES!!! you're good at remembering things in the bible!!!!
I love those verses!!
At Monday, 20 November, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Thanks. Hope it helped. I'll try to get the verse I couldn't remeber so you can see exactly where it is in the Bible.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Monday, 20 November, 2006 ,
wazberry said...
WazBerry never comments my blog so I'll do it for him.
At Monday, 20 November, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
ryker whos egarellen? casey?
At Monday, 20 November, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Yeah, he's KC. I hacked his user name and commented here because he never comments. I'm going to put you on my links.
Hammer out.'
RC Hammer
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