Well, it's August again. I forgot to do the Nintendo character of the month so let's say it's Mario. Well, I'm holding the Nintendo character of the month again... and I'm thinking about putting all my important religeous posts in one big post or putting em all on a big post in To everyone else's blog I usually check out, I'm still a little bit pressed for time and I'll be there soon. I've got one thing for everyone to think about before I go. Anyone can wear a cross on there neck, it tacks skillz to read the Bible and pray.
Think about it. GOD bless "U" all and all of "U" have a very good week. Thanks.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
Think about it. GOD bless "U" all and all of "U" have a very good week. Thanks.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Tuesday, 01 August, 2006 ,
James E. Daniels said...
Same to you Hammer.
At Wednesday, 02 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Friday, 04 August, 2006 ,
Chinagirl411 said...
RC Hammer I really appreciate your help on my blog. Thanks. I'll see you on September 5th! Peace out.
At Friday, 04 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
whoever you are anonymous, you should NEVER swear. It's a bad habit and it isn't right. And do you really have to CORRECT everyones english? Jesus loves us even if we were making little mistakes in life. Is english really important to a kid?
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Thank you seond anonymous. GOD bless "U". I could go preack agaisnt what the first did but he knows so never mind.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Hey... 2 anonymous... do you know me?
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Listen anonymous #1 if u dont think that Jesus saved the world then y dont u leave rchammer out of this and read the bible!!!
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Thanks... Abbey. I should of thought of that!
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Ya thanks Abbey
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Who are you... your the first anonymous... aren't you?
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
OK. Sorry. It just sounded very sucspeoceos. I'm very very sorry.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Wait... Francis! Your Magan! Hopefully...
RC Hammer
At Saturday, 05 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Your Abbey!!!!!! Not Megan!
RC Hammer
At Sunday, 06 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Alright. I love to guess who rights the anonymous comments. The person who stood up for me, my guess is that you are either Mike or Jill. The guy who cursed @ me... proabably saw me on a guestbook of a Nintendo site. If anyone else disagrees with my faith, then have a CONVERSATION with me like good ol A1. You won't make your point, Athiest Bob, by cursing me, you'll just make yourself sound like an idiot in the Hammer Nation. So to all of you who disagree, it's called talk about it! Gosh! If my class offends you find another voice!
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Sunday, 06 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
I stumbled upon your blog from a comment you left on the blog of a friend of mine.
I wouldnt normally comment, but after reading some of this garbage, I feel obligated.
You call yourself a preacher/prophet, the closest I can see to "preaching" is your overzealous evangelism you seem so eager to shove down everyone's throats, the closest you actually came to a prophetic statement, was when you stated Mel Gibson would "overpower and destroy" his critics, solely based on the fact he comes from the same religous background than you.
You even went as far to say "I'm here to give you the right point of view"
You weren't there, you dont know Mel Gibson, you dont know anything.
What Mel Gibson said was wrong, and since he is in the public eye, he is suffering the consequences.
Its no-one's fault but his own, even you in your self deluded state of self importance should plainly realise that your argument on how he was driven to drink by critics of Passion of the Christ was poorly worded, poorly founded and pathetic as a whole.
You also claim you can "make people with different religeons stand in awe and wonder who fooled em'"
Other than the obvious fact you misspelled the word religion, this statement is so moronic and politically incorrect that it makes me wonder if you were dropped on your head as a child.
I think faith is a good thing, I also think everyone has the right to choose their own faith, if you weren't so bogged down by pointless semantics and had done any research you would realise how similar most religions are, instead of resigning yourself to the argument that your religion is the "correct one".
Before anyone jumps down my throat about religion, or taking my critique of your blog, let me say this.
I am not attacking religion in any way, so lets get that straight.
Secondly, if you're going to publish your opinions online, and even ask others to post their comments, be prepared for criticism.
I'm sure you're not a bad person, but you are a bad writer, from reading through your blog, I seriously doubt you're over 16, which is fine, but dont claim to be a prophet, because its obvious you dont have a solid grasp of whats going on in the world today, let alone whats going to happen in the future.
And If you did study politics, you studied them poorly, as you seem to use your blog as a platform to force your opinions on others, instead of trying to make them rethink their own.
I'm hoping your arent another kid that was saved my an anal-retentive 'holier than thou' mother that is so caught up in some of the archaic rules of the bible, she burnt your copy of Harry Potter because it contained 'hexes' and then forced you to read The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe.
I do hope you reconsider your views, or atleast research them in their entirity so you dont come off as so poorly informed.
At Monday, 07 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Well well well. RC Hammer, you don't know who the anonymous #1 is do you? Well I guess it would be harder if I didn't put "Peace out ". Can you guess who I am? I only left anonymous so that the other one wouldn't know my identity. When you do know who I am, leave my name on MY blog. I'll wait. Now that I gave you a BIG clue, I figure you know my name. Put my username to.
At Monday, 07 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
RC Hammer, go to your post Mel Gibson. You have 3 new comments.
PS: From now on I'll use the name anonymous so that when I say things that I don't think are all that nice. This one is to KEEP MY NAME A SECRET.
At Wednesday, 09 August, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
cant wait til school starts!!!!!!!!!!!!! september 5!!!!!!!!
At Wednesday, 09 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Sorry, everybody. I was on vacation. For the anonymous who critized me... don't worry. I do think that you don't know that much about me because I haven't had the best posts lately and I do disagree with some things but I want to make everyone gte what I am saying and understand. So far, I reallly haven't had anything like this, but most people know me real well. That's not the point though. I have caught almost everbodys interest but you and the people like you, I will have a hard time with. I would just like for you to give me a suggestion (more than you allredy did) like what I should post like or about or something like that. Thanks.
For anonymous... you can't be ChinaGirl... I don't think... I'm confused.
Bella: No comments.
RC Hammer
At Friday, 11 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
If you want some tips, I would mix up your posts a bit, as they are all half-garbled stories that involve god somehow, like the one where you go to jail, and Jesus bails you out, and then he's on the cross, and his bones are stuck and he's breathing really heavily, and then something else happens and I'm confused.
The point I'm trying to make, is dont define yourself by your faith, its all you talk about, there has be more to your life.
At Friday, 11 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Err... OK. Well, in a few days, I'll post a Bible passage, kay? I modified my profile a bit, I understand most of what you said came from it . I have studied pollotics really well and I can prophecy, but I haven't been doing that on my blog. I've been doing more preaching because whenever I prophecie, people start saying I'm crazy, and I need people to trust me. I'm just trying to people what I do outside my blog so they can trust me more and accept me as the prophet of GOD that HE truly called me to be. Thanks for the suggestion.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
(P.S. The typing errors or just a typo. I am very busy and I have to type fast and I don't have time to correct my typing. Besides, nobody's perfect.
At Friday, 11 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Prophesize, not Prophecie
Just giving you the heads up.
Is english your second language?
At Friday, 11 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
How about joining our discussion in RC's another posting (Saturday, July 15, 2006
Another Thing)?
At Saturday, 12 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Since you mentioned me in one of the comments here, I asked arelas to join our discussion as I did to Fenrir. arelas seems to be a non-Christian and very rational. He offers constructive criticism instead of getting emotional. I surely hope he can join our religious discussion. At least, we all can benefit from another viewpoint, agree?
At Sunday, 13 August, 2006 ,
Fenrir said...
sure, the more, the merrier!
At Sunday, 13 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Yeah, that works... but I hope he stops correcting my spelling because I already explained all my typos to him. But he can join... sure!
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Sunday, 13 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
At Monday, 14 August, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
I assume you don’t just want to convey your messages and probably also want to convince others. Therefore, it’s important that others understand what you say. If you want to reach people whose native language is not English or not used to some kind of text-message shorthand, you will do better with the correct/proper spelling. It’s not to hard to figure out a typo or misspelling, but it’s confusing in the case the word itself already has its own meaning. For example you use ‘are’ for ‘our’, ‘your’ for ‘you are’.
As you have said you are busy, but please think about the purpose of your posting.
You are right that nobody is perfect, but this saying sounds benign when we say to others at the time others apologize for their mistakes, but not to use it to defend our mistakes.
I would also suggest quitting guessing who the Anonymous is. Just focus on the content of the message. Sometimes it does matter who says it, but in this case, I think the content is probably more important.
I may have made some errors in this message because English is a foreign language to me. However, I only ask for understanding, not to ask for excuse for my mistakes if any.
Constructive criticism is always welcome.
At Monday, 14 August, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Heh... alright. Just because you suggested it without insulting me or cursing me, I will correct my spelling even though I have very little time. I'm not promising anything though.
RC Hammer
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