Jesus Test
1. Why did God send His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins?
2. Who is responsible for killing Jesus Christ?
3. Why does Jesus dying on the cross save us from our sin?
I gave you this test because it suprises me how much some people, even Christians, don't know about the death of Jesus. Please comment your answers and then come and read the true answers to see if you got them right.
1. Our GOD is perfect. We can't go to heaven and see HIM if we are imperfect. The Bible says that all have sinned, making all imperfect. So, that means that if you sin, you can never see GOD. Well, GOD sent JESUS to be the perfect sacrafice for our sins. f we ask GOD for forgiveness and confess and believe JESUS died for our sins, then we will be washed in the blood of JESUS and GOD will see us as perfect.
2. You and I are responsible for killing JESUS CHRIST. Many might think it was a mob of people, Pontus Pilot, or even Santan himself. But the truth is, we are guilty of killing JESUS CHRIST. JESUS had many chances to escape from death, but if HE wouldn't have died, then we could never go to heaven because of our sin. The bottom line is: If we hadn't sinned in the first place, then JESUS wouldn't have had to die.
3. It saves us because JESUS died in our place. Back in the Old Testament days, if someone sinned, they had to make a sacrafice with an animal. Well JESUS (the Lamb) was the ultimate sacrafice to everyone! We just have to ask for fogiveness and believe HE died for us.
Well, I bet some people didn't get what they expected. I know number two probably tripped up alot of people. You might want to look up the death of JESUS to see where I got some of this. It's kind of funny that I'm talking about JESUS' death so close to HIS birth, but don't worry, I'll be on that topic soon. If you have any questions, comments, answers, typos, or anything more, please leave a comment. The comment bar should be right under this post. Just double click it if you don't know how. GOD bless U all! Peace be with you! Merry Christmas! Hammer out.
Your servant, RC Hammer
At Friday, 08 December, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
For more information on my first answer, go to the post below this one.
GOD bless.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Saturday, 09 December, 2006 ,
Alfred Kuchinski said...
Dear R C Hammer:
The philosophical debate of why Jesus dies will rage on and on, yet the answer is simple.
When Adam ate of the fruit of the tree of which God had commanded him NOT to eat, the first MAN disobeyed God.
Many Christian religions have BAPTISM to wash away the sin of Adam. (ORIGINAL SIN)
Jesus (Y'shua) came to open Heaven to all peoples. He was the Messiah.
He was Emmanuel. (Emmanuel means God with us.")
Jesus had feelings both human and divine, since he was born of a woman's flesh.
Jesus gave of himself the ultimate gift...His life for our sins!
Look back at the Old Testament story of Abraham and his son Isaac.
Abraham was to sacrafice Isaac but the Lord stopped him and spared Isaac.
See how Isaac carried the wood for the sacriface on his back. See how Jesus carried the wood for His sacriface on His back.
Today we put people into boxes. Black, White, Asian etc. yet there are only two races...JEWS and GENTILES!
Jesus (Y'shua) came first to his own people...the JEWS. The Jewish people turned their backs on him...even to the point of his death. He thusly became a salvation to ALL mankind...JEWS and GENTILES.
E-mail me at
Thanks for writing and if I can be of any help please do not hesitate.
Alfred Kuchinski
At Saturday, 09 December, 2006 ,
Alfred Kuchinski said...
Dear R C Hammer:
I have received questions about the word Y'shua. (pronounced Yeah-shoo-ah)
This is what is believed to be the real name of Jesus. It is of Hebrew origin and means "one who helps" or "one who heals."
You can see how Y'shua is easily turned into Jesus.
Biblical scholars have knocked this around for quite a while.
Call Him whatever you wish. Jesus is Lord and Saviour. He is the Messiah.
Alfred Kuchinski
At Sunday, 10 December, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
i dont feel like typing but i got 2 and a half right!!!
At Monday, 11 December, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
how y'all been?? i forgot already how many i got right!!!! See if u can guess who i am rchammer. here r some clues
1. i'm in y'all's class in school
2. i love sprinkles!!!!!!!!!!
3. my fave color is GREEN
tell me who u think i am in school!!!
At Friday, 15 December, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
its lauren
At Saturday, 16 December, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
I wonder why they have to make a debate about why Jesus died. The question can be simply answered by eading some verses in the Bible.
Isabella, I probably couldn't have guessed it was Lauren, but it all makes sense now. Oh, I heard you and Rachel are making a new blog?
GOD bless U all!
Peace be with you.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Saturday, 16 December, 2006 ,
Alfred Kuchinski said...
Dear R C Hammer:
On Friday, December 15th, I was invited to a Christmas party at the home of an Old Catholic Priest.
Our celebration started with the lighting of the menorah, celebrating the first nignt of Hanukkah. It was an interesting blend of Old and New Testaments.
My God give you and your family and friends His blessings this Christmas and throughout the New Year.
Alfred Kuchinski
At Sunday, 17 December, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
NOOOO!!! Rachel and Erin are, but I'll probably end up helping!! So yeah! Too bad you weren't there when Rachel and I went crazy in art class!!! it was hilarious!!!!!
so I'll talk to ya later!! cya!
At Sunday, 17 December, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
hey Ryker!!! well I have two blogs now!! the quote one and my personal one!! on my personal one im gonna put pictures and stuff like that!! It's gonna be sooooo cool!! also I think I'm gonna put icons on my quote blog! that would be SWEET!!
At Sunday, 17 December, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Sounds like it was a good party. Was it Hanukkah or Christmas or a mixture of both?
Nice new blog Bella. Let me know when Erin and Rachel get a blog.
GOD bless.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Tuesday, 19 December, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
Rachel's blog is
At Wednesday, 20 December, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Rachel's having blog troubles. Rachel says "HELP!!!!!!!! Don't go to my blog or else 'cause it's won't work or let me in to it :("
Bye y'all!!
Merry Christmas!!!
At Wednesday, 20 December, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
At Wednesday, 20 December, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
ok Ryker....Rachel and I made a blog and it WORKSS!!!! it's
ITS AWESOME!!! become a fan!!!! join the fan club!!! hecccccck yessssssss!!!
At Wednesday, 20 December, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
friendly bear is me isabella and rachel
At Wednesday, 20 December, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
And who is me? Do you still need help. Oh, Luaren, I will post soon.
GOD bless.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
At Sunday, 31 December, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
me=isabella!!!!! duh!!!!! so how was your christmas?!?!?!? probably awesome!!!!! i have to miss 3 days of school...........CRY DEPRESSION!!!! im so mad!!!!!!! ooooooh well......i get a tan!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!
At Sunday, 31 December, 2006 ,
Isabella said...
WHOOPS!!!! almost forgot!!!!
At Sunday, 31 December, 2006 ,
RCHAMMER said...
Gosh I was gone a while. My Christmas was good. Thanks. Was yours? Anyway, Happy New Year. I have to update this place. I screwed up my Christmas posting plans. Oh well. GOD bless.
Hammer out.
RC Hammer
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