I Am Who I Am

If You Can't Take The Heat Then You Better Back Up!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Uh-Oh! Temptation. What to do???

You get tempeted. You try to keep away from the temptation but you fail. You tell GOD that you never will be able to with stand temptation. WRONG!!! If you really knew the Bible, you would know GOD always gives you a way out of your temptation and gives you strength to do it. Why don't you go to 1 Corinthians 10 and read it. You people have to start reading the Bible and pray more! GOD always talks to me because I do it. GOD flippin' told me to write this! Why do you think I found this verse. Bottom line: Resist temptation. GOD bless "U" all!!! Praise GOD!!!
Hammer out.

RC Hammer


  • At Saturday, 17 June, 2006 , Blogger Chinagirl411 said...

    RC Hammer, you rock for dedicating your whole blog to God! It's nice you help people by carrying on Jesus' mission. Your an awesome deciple! God bless "U"


  • At Saturday, 17 June, 2006 , Blogger RCHAMMER said...

    Thanks! GOD calls me to do this stuff. It's the least I can do since HE created me...
    Hammer out.

    RC Hammer


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